Welcome to FLO Bootcamp!

The purpose of this asynchronous, self-paced FLO Bootcamp Series is to support BC post-secondary educators to review and tweak an existing online course. FLO Bootcamp was designed by Tracy Roberts, BJ Eib and Krista Lambert, and was originally created as a response to COVID, but it’s ultimately about good online course design and facilitation practice generally.  The course was originally delivered as an intense 1-week experience (hence the name Bootcamp!), but these challenges can be done at your own pace.

The approach is meant to be “surgical”, i.e., specific, applied, and practical. Bootcamp does not cover everything, nor even everything that is important about online course design and facilitation.  But it WILL help you get in front of the problems we have heard about MOST often. 

Bootcamp is designed to provide a variety of supports within a very flexible structure on a few specific course design issues. Central is the idea of completing individual challenges that are to be applied immediately to your course.  

You’ll work through four themes:

Theme 1: Scan (your course, fearlessly, through a few key lenses) and Plan (your Bootcamp work)  
Theme 2: Lectures & Alternatives
Theme 3: Assessments (assignments, exams, etc. )
Theme 4: Online Presence & Engagement

Head over to the Introduction to get started!